Summer To Winter And Between

Posted by: Charity

Nov 28, 2014


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Recent Comments for Summer To Winter And Between (33)
  • Okay, once again an opportunity to show how uneducated "69erwithguys" is. You can't use a series of synonyms as a definition as you're essentially using the same word repeatedly, dumbass. Seriously, DID you make it to the 7th grade? Face it, you are obviously uneducated . . . so either you're an uneducated teenager or simply a really stup!d adult. Which one is it?
  • Definition for Drainbag; boring monotonous, tedious, irksome, tiresome, humdrum
  • The fact that you can't differentiate between "your" and "you're" . . . "dam" and "damn" . . . and have no clue how to use an ellipses or utilize simple punctuation truly shows how right I am about you, "; Not only have you never had a woman, but you clearly haven't made it past middle school.
  • Yawn, .....................................................oh your back dam thats too bad, oh where was I oh yeah Yawn.
  • See, the problem, "69erwithguys" is simply this; you want to claim some type of moral high ground . . . but you can't. You abuse women anonymously like the cowardly little fuck you are. You call what I write "hate filled drivel," but I guess your list of insults directed at the women here are somehow enlightened, huh? You're no different from the rest of the bashers here.
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